This is an archived version of the 2018 edition of UXLx. The current event website is at

Richard Banfield



09:00 - 17:30


Product Design Strategy

When considering what makes a great product designer we often make the mistake of lumping a wide range of skills under one roles. This might make writing a job description easier but it makes it harder to focus on what needs to be done and how to get the best out of product design roles. Identifying the right skills for the right role, and aligning that with the product vision is of critical importance. In this workshop we’ll be focusing on the day to day skills a designer needs to have to address the challenges in a world of ever evolving products.

What activities will you be participating in during this workshop?

  • Explore the evolving role of product designer.
  • Understanding where your company sits on the product design and digital evolution scale, and what this means for you.
  • Learn how high-performing product teams align their product vision, strategy and priorities to deliver results.
  • Develop a model to reliably select the right priorities and metrics to measure the performance of your product design
  • Understanding how to use customer feedback to drive results and unblock obstacles.
  • Learn how to work with others on your team to navigate through the inevitable challenge of change.
What will you take away from this workshop?

Lifelong skills in understanding product design and how it fits into an organization. Flexible and versatile models for managing your path through fast changing organizations and dynamic product environments. Product design management skills to build a stronger team whether you’re an individual contributor or a team leader. Knowledge that will help you find a better fit, or better role, in your current or future organization.



9:00 - 9:45

Auditorium I

Confusion, Stupidity and Shame: A Disturbing Tale of Personal Growth in Four Parts

You project just failed. Well congratulations. If you're not stumbling and messing up from time to time you're not learning. Doing things that make us embarrassed and expose our fallibility can be the best lessons for all of us. If you allow them, these moments of failure and vulnerability are a portal to new knowledge. In this talk we'll look at how teams can use failure to increase their personal and collective emotional intelligence and business.